Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday, November 15, 2019

Dear all,

Time to celebrate all that has been going on in the Elementary and other sections at AISC - hope you are able to join us this evening for a TGIF at the Dowling’s house. (2 Spring Ave, Akkarai - literally opposite Kipling Cafe)  Please join us from 5-8pm.

This afternoon we will be able to see the culmination of all the hard work and effort that went into vision week. Overall, it has been such an impressive launch of our first ever vision week, and excellent to see the AISC futures plan come to life. Thank you to everyone involved, and in particular, Mary Kelly, Jack and Calley and each vision team leader for shepherding the process forward.

Thank you’s and shout outs…
  • ALL involved in vision week! Thank you!
  • All lower elementary faculty who covered an extra duty for their vision week colleagues
  • Jen C wants to give a huge thank you to everyone who has helped me in the past few weeks, from sitting with me in the hospital, to sending meals, to just asking how we are - thank you so much! Alex and I have appreciated the support from you all so much!
  • Priya V and her IT team for getting everything ready for Hour of Code next week
  • Congratulations to Anita who has become a Grandmother to the adorable Carter!
 Upcoming Week at a Glance
Monday 18 November
Hour of Code begins
Keryn out - Elementary Principals network  in Delhi
Specialist budgets due to HoDs/ Principals
Tuesday 19 November
EY parent coffee 8:45 - 9:45 a.m BBT
Wednesday 20 November
Grade level budget overviews due
Early Release
Faculty Meetings;
  • MSA teams (various locations)
  • Those not involved in MSA will work on data protocols/student work exemplar collection in Madras Hall
Thursday 21 November

Friday 22 November
EY5 - Grade 2 Learning Celebration
Calley out (PD)

Activities & Athletics office - AISC Hoodies
If you missed out on the initial order for an AISC hooded sweatshirt it isn't too late to get one before winter break. Complete this form to customize your order. Choices include zip or pullover, black or navy, name, number, size and if you want "Raptors" down one sleeve. The orders received by the end of the day on November 21st will be sent to the manufacturer.

Support our Elementary Student Council Girls Sports Shoes Drive
The ES student council is sponsoring the collection of girls’ sports shoes next week. The shoes will be donated to “Educate to Empower” which has created a school in Tamil Nadu for underprivileged girls.  Educate to Empower is led by a AISC alumni. The girls need shoes so that they can participate in sports. There are 210 girls in this school that goes up to grade 5. By donating shoes we will be improving the lives of these girls and creating positive changes in their confidence and education. Please donate used or new shoes next week in boxes provided for each grade level. The student council will sponsor a pool party for the grade level that collects the most shoes. 

Tutorials for entering data into report card templates:
Please note that no accents or semicolons can be used. Thank you!

Looking well ahead to our end of Semester 1: Report card timeline (repeat announcement)
Please find below the timeline for writing our Semester 1 report cards. These will be printed as per other report cards this year, so proofreading remains an ongoing focus to ensure these are error-free going home. Therefore, everyone, please ensure to familiarise yourself with the style guide and proofreading process. You will also find the proofreading assignments at the bottom of the style guide.

This time around, please remember our proofing process from last year. Each homeroom teacher has been assigned a colleague proofer. This is due to the volume of reports being much higher and the challenge of making an equitable distribution. Secondly, we’d added to the reporting process to ask that teachers check their own character count before sending to proof reader (500-800 characters per comment). First round proofers will also check, but it will go much more smoothly if we check our own.  

One streamlining suggestion is once you’ve written the first comment and know this is between 500-800, count the number of lines in this comment and aim for near that number of lines for all others.

As you work on your comments, you may want to sign up for a free account with Grammarly. It takes only a moment to sign up and the service will automatically check your spelling and basic grammar as you write your comments. This may save you, and your proofreader, some time and energy. 

By Wednesday 04 December
Familiarise yourself again with a refresher read of the style guide
Wed 04 Dec - 3:45 - 5:00 p.m.
Faculty meeting dedicated to report card work time.  Report comments due to faculty proof reader by 5:00 p.m.
Friday 06 Dec - by 4:00 p.m
Colleague proofers finished proofing, tag admin proofreader
Mon 09 Dec  - 4:00 p.m.
Comments returned to teacher by admin.  Accept changes as indicated.
Wed 11 Dec - 2:00 p.m.
All comments entered into powerschool
Sherriden and IT team begin printing from 2:00 p.m (hard deadline)
Fri 13 Dec
All printing complete, final print corrections made
Mon 16 Dec
Reports given to homeroom teachers, final check and place in envelopes
Wed 18 Dec
Reports go home to parents

Please join NHS and Namma Beach, Namma Chennai.  All welcome!
Come participate in an event that has become a tradition for many AISC families. Ms. Virginie Vlaminck has built a high energy, authentic community collaboration for all

EAL Teaching Strategies - From Sarah Sahr
Several people have asked, "What more can I do to support students in the classroom?" To which I say, "Good Question!" In coordination with ES Leadership, the following google form was created to showcase 11 EAL strategies that help our english language learners stay on track. The hope is, once people complete the form, I'll create an ala carte menu of professional learning opportunities that will help you support students in your care.
Please complete this form by Friday, 22 November. Results will be shared by 6 December. 

Winter Concert Rehearsal Schedule (repeat announcement)
As per a TinyPulse request to get schedule changes to teachers as early as possible, we appreciate the effort that the Winter Performance team has put into getting this rehearsal and performance schedule ready. Please add these items to your Google calendar and be sure to remember that these rehearsals take the place of the regularly scheduled dance and music lessons. If you have any questions or concerns upon reading the schedule, please reach out to Calley.  

ES Vision of a Learner Recognitions (repeat announcement)
To continue to highlight our Vision of a Learner profile and socialise these attributes further in our section, we will be recognising students who have consistently demonstrated one of the traits from this profile.  

If you have recognised a student displaying these attributes, please click here to add names. Anyone can add to this, specialists, homeroom teachers or teacher assistants. Please complete this by next Tuesday 19th November.
**If you see a student’s name listed and you also support this nomination, please add your name too.

Have a great weekend!

Calley, Dave and Keryn

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