Thursday, June 3, 2021

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Thank you for a wonderful year. We wish all the departing teachers the very best. We’ll see all of the returning teachers in July. Be well, stay safe, and take care of yourself. 

 Feel free to get in touch with Lynn during the summer if you need anything (email or text is fine). 







July 26

July 27

All Faculty Orientation

July 28

All Faculty Orientation

July 29

All Faculty Orientation

July 30

All Faculty Orientation

End of Year Checkout Form (repeat announcement)

Faculty who have not completed this checkout form, please do so today.


From the Counselors

Types of rest that every person needs

  1. Physical rest- sleep, restorative yoga

  2. Mental rest- take a break

  3. Sensory rest - unplug

  4. Creative rest - watch something beautiful, read a book

  5. Emotional rest - be yourself, express your feelings

  6. Social rest - surround yourself with positive and supportive people

  7. Spiritual rest - do things that give you a sense of purpose, meditate

Have a restful summer holiday!



Lynn, Dave, and Elliot