Friday, March 6, 2020

Friday, March 6, 2020

Dear all,

I write this from Luxembourg on a snowy Thursday where plans and preparation are underway at ISL, as at AISC, for a possible upcoming move to online instruction. Unfortunately, many schools in Europe have not had a lot of time to prepare for this as we have had, so continue to take each day at a time and balance your planning of continuity of instruction for what will continue at school and what might need to move to virtual. 

The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone! Your colleagues, your coaches and your leadership team are here to help you.  You also need to remember that you come first. Be well and make sure all of your own needs are taken care of. Then, you will be in a better place of being well, being calm and being flexible and adaptable to whatever may come our way. It was hard being out this week, although it did give me a lot of time to reflect on how collaborative and connected we all are. Continue to reach out to one another, to Calley, Dave and myself, and to your other international colleagues who are facing similar planning challenges.

Share with Students Today: Temperature Screening
Next week, as you know, we will move to temperature screening protocols upon entry into campus. We will distribute the paper passes to your classrooms right after lunch/recess.  

Below is the message that we would like you to share to students this afternoon, when you distribute the temperature check passes.  

“As you know, some people have gotten sick because of the coronavirus. We are trying to be extra careful here at AISC so we need your parents to fill out this temperature pass before you and your family can enter the school. Before you leave for school each day, your parent will take your temperature and their own temperature if they are coming with you, and write the numbers down on the passes. You will bring the passes with you to school and hand them to the school staff at the gate before you can enter the school. If you do not have a pass, then your temperature will be taken before you can enter the school. If you ride the bus to school, you or your parent will hand the pass to the bus monitor; if you don’t have the pass, the bus monitor will take your temperature.”

You might choose to use one of these resources to share with your students to give more context.
BrainPop Jr Video: Cold and Flu Appropriate for K - 2
Username: aisc Password: chennai

Thank You’s and Shout Outs… 
  • The EY team wants to thank Balaji for being there the whole day at the OLC with the kids for the SLC. 
  • A big thank you to Babs and the library team for putting on a fabulous movie night for our ES families.
  • 4MG would like to thank Anushka for coming to our debate, recording the event and putting all the footage together for SLC. The parents were so pleased to see the video.
  • Thank you to Nigel for resources to support our students’ understanding of COVID-19.
  • Thank you to the TAs who are volunteering for the temperature screening!
Upcoming Week at a Glance
Monday 9 March
Temperature Screening begins - bring your passes in the morning
ES Art exhibition
NESA Virtual Science Fair 2:30 - 3:30 BBT
Tuesday 10 March

Wednesday 11 March
Early Release / Strand Session E
Thursday 12 March
ES Visual & Performing Arts Gala 4:00 - 5:30
Friday 13 March
AISC Staff Recognition Event 2:30 - 3:15

Powerschool Attendance 
Homeroom teachers - it’s important that you mark attendance at the beginning of the day. Please inform Hazel or Padma of any absentees by 9 am if you are unable to access Powerschool due to any connectivity issues. This will help  them report accurate information to the HoS and Health office and also follow up with parents who have not reported their child’s absence.

From the EAL Department: EAL Strategy Talk, #4!
Another fortnight, another the EAL Strategy Talk! Our next Talk focuses on getting the most out of New Vocabulary found in Reading. We will walk the continuum of isolating vocabulary and using context clues to amplify our student's reading comprehension. There will be something for all content areas!

When: Tuesday, 10 March 2020, 7:30-8:15am
Where: SHED

As a reminder, these EAL Strategy Talks are optional to attend, but to make it a bit enticing... we offer breakfast and child care for those who need it. I hope to see you there!

AISC Sustainability Rally: Small People, Big Changes
As a part of their summative for their Social Studies unit Advocacy for Change, 5VL and 5BT are hosting an AISC Sustainability Rally: Small People, Big Changes Friday the 13th, 11-12:20 in the Unity Courtyard.

Their goal as advocates is to have the AISC community come together in solidarity around this issue and talk about solutions for challenges threatening our environment and ecosystems.

As AISC is an institution that champions sustainability, we know that it is a common thread between all students despite age or grade.

Grade 5 is asking that, if you and your students can make connections between their learning and the goal of the rally you:
  • Come support! Come share and learn ways you can contribute to a more sustainable future and school.
  • Take part! Have you and your class been learning about something connected to sustainability? Please come share!

Elementary Art Exhibition (Repeat)

We  invite you to the ‘Elementary Art Exhibition’ starting from Monday 2nd March 2020  through Friday 13 March 2020. Our aspiring student artists have worked hard on producing artwork for your enjoyment and reflection these past six months. Please support them by viewing their work and talking to them about it. This impressive display will be showcased at the FAC Atrium Gallery. All are welcome!

ES Art Gala - 12 March (Repeat)

Please come and celebrate our upper elementary students as they show off their skills and talents across the arts. This year, Grades 3-5 will perform and present their artwork at the Visual and Performing Arts Gala. The gala will be held on Thursday, 12 March from 4:00-5:30 p.m. in the FAC Theater and Atrium.  
Gr 3 - 5 students who have an ASA on 12th, should attend the Gala. 

Staff Recognition Event - Friday, 13th March at 2:30 to 3:15 p.m. (Repeat)
Elementary School
Our third annual staff recognition event is scheduled on Friday, March 13th. This is the event when all students and faculty get together to celebrate our staff by forming a gauntlet from the FAC cafeteria, across the field, through level 1 corridors ending at the Unity Fountain Courtyard, for staff to parade through. Sarah S and Priya V will make a short presentation on this at the Section Meeting on Wednesday, 4th March. Below are the schedule and maps. 

  • ALL ES children please wear AISC t-shirt
  • 2:30pm - All ES student council members head to the FAC cafeteria with Linda and Usha 
  • 2:40pm - Rest of ES start to move; head to form gauntlet walkway
  • EY - meet Dave in covered area to join end of HS line on field (Dave will direct)
  • Grade 5 - head to covered area (where gauntlet will split) - form the line that crosses covered area, into the plaza towards amphitheatre (Keryn and Sherriden will direct)
  • Grade 2 - join end of Grade 5 line; continuing from amphitheatre towards outside Grade 1 classrooms   
  • Grade 1 join end of Grade 2 line, outside 1MW/1KC and past health centre towards unity courtyard 
  • Grade 4 - head to covered area (where gauntlet will split) - form the line that goes from covered area down ES cafeteria side (Keryn and Sherriden will direct)  
  • Grade 3 - join end Grade 4 line, outside ES cafeteria passing EY5 classes
  • KG - join where Grade 3 ends; outside of CIC and towards unity courtyard
  • Parade should start at 2:50pm sharp.
  • Once staff parade passes by, students may return to classes
This week’s Twitter Award goes to ….

Have a wonderful weekend! 
Keryn, Dave, and Calley

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