Friday, August 13, 2021

Friday, August 13, 2021

Week two finished! Thank you for the wonderful conversations during team meetings. You are an amazing group of educators. 

This is another packed Faculty Notes. Please read it carefully and note the action items. 

Upcoming Week at a Glance:



August 16

August 17

August 18

ES Meetings (see below for details)

August 19

August 20

Faculty Meeting Details:

We have a couple of sessions happening simultaneously during Wednesday’s meeting time:

Homeroom Teachers/EAL/LSS- calendar invite already sent

3:00 - 3:25 Library scope and sequence with Babs and Mary Kelly

3:30 - 5:00 F & P Workshop with Alex 

Specialists - calendar invite to come

3:30 - 5:00 Unit development with Mary Kelly

TAs - calendar invites to come

3:00 - 3:25 Responsive Classroom with Elliot

3:30 - 4:00 Technology training to automate archiving of BOR recordings

Technology Training - Mandatory (from Greg)

Next week we are running a series of workshops for ES, MS, and HS teachers and anyone else who might be in a breakout room with students (coaches, admin, counselors, etc…). The purpose of the training is to allow you to automate the archiving of your breakout room recordings. 

***TAs, you are getting this training on Wednesday so no need to sign up for a time during the week. 

The signup sheet will help us manage numbers, and includes timings and meeting links. You will see bright yellow spaces where you can add your name (please don't delete someone else's name!). If the slots fill up, let me (Greg) know and we'll add more sessions or slots. In addition, this material will be available as videos and instructions starting on Monday.

Specialist Zoom Links

Here is the final document with the specialist Zoom links. This is a new document so PLEASE use this document to get the updated Zoom links for the specialists. The updated links should be posted to your virtual classroom by Monday morning. We apologize for the confusion with the links this past week. We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we worked it out. Homeroom teachers, please post an announcement on Seesaw informing parents and students that they should use the updated Zoom links on your virtual classroom and not any previously sent links. 

Welcome Back to School Bags for Students

Canvas bags have been ordered for the welcome back to school supplies and should be delivered to school early next week. We also plan to include a school towel (an ES gift to students that couldn’t be delivered in May due to the lockdown) and last year’s yearbook (for returning students) in the supply bag. We will inform team leads when the bags arrive so teachers/TAs can come to school to organize materials. 

Virtual Classroom Links

Please link your virtual classroom to this document

Class Schedules

When you have your “finalized” schedule, please drop it into this folder

Technology Notes from Priya

  • Homeroom Teachers please make sure your students know how to sign in to Gmail. Most of the subscriptions that we use in Grade 3 - Grade 5 are Google sign-in. This would help the specialists.

  • Here is a Safe Search Site I've created for ES Students. Please feel free to use it as you see fit.

  • Please remind students and parents to email for any tech-related issues.

Morning Meeting Specialist Rotation

To avoid scheduling conflicts with the specialist morning meeting rotation, please inform Dave if there is a particular day in which you already have something scheduled during your MM such as counseling. The morning meeting specialist rotation will begin the week of August 23rd. The schedule will be in next week’s Faculty Notes.

Marshall Memo

The Marshall Memo is designed to keep principals, teachers, instructional coaches, superintendents, and other PreK-12 educators well-informed on current research and best practices. Please fill out this short questionnaire if you'd like to sign up to receive the Marshall Memo delivered to your inbox this year. Let Babs know if you have any questions. 


Library Update 

The ES/MS and High School Libraries are open for your perusal! If you'd like to come into the library to check out books, please follow the following procedures:


1) Take a pair of disposable gloves to wear while you browse.

2) Browse and check out like normal. Library staff will be in the library, so they can help you. If there is no one there, please take a photo of the barcodes on your books and send it to Marion or Babs. 

3) Books can be checked out for two weeks and can be returned to the library or to the return boxes located outside the main and ES entrances for quarantine. 


Teachers are also welcome to use this Google Form to request books. In this case, we can gather what you need for pickup/classroom delivery within 24 hours. 


Family Use of the AISC Libraries - FYI, This went out in the Principal’s Blog today

Starting today, AISC families are now able to request books every week from our libraries using this Google form. Books can be ordered through the form from Friday until Monday at 3:30pm and can be picked up curbside at the ES entrance on Wednesdays between 8:30am - 4:00pm. Bags with the child's name clearly marked on the front will be located inside the white cubbies. Patrons are invited to take the bag that belongs to them without touching any other materials. 

In addition, a book drop is positioned curbside at the ES entrance, as well as the main entrance, for returned books. We encourage families to return the books after two weeks, although if a specific title is needed for a longer period, please contact Babs to implement an extension. 

Call for interest - Adaptive Schools Training (from Joelle)

As mentioned earlier this year, we will be offering a FACE-TO-FACE Adaptive Schools Foundations Training this fall. To minimize the impact on classroom teachers, the days will be spread over two months - Thursday, September 23; Friday, September 24; Friday, October 15 and Saturday, October 16. All four days must be attended (8:30 am - 4:00 pm) and a certificate is awarded upon completion.

Adaptive Schools training supports developing collaborative teams by providing strategies, skills, concepts and structures that support increased individual and collective performance, resourcefulness and satisfaction. Adaptive Schools is a cornerstone approach to our collaborative work at AISC.

This training is offered by an in-house facilitator and is free of charge.

If you are interested, please complete this survey no later than MONDAY, AUGUST 23rd. Supervisors will consider requests for participation upon close of the survey and selections will be confirmed no later than Friday, August 27th.

GOA Professional Development Catalogue Now Available

Our partner provider, Global Online Academy, has released their professional development courses for teachers. Not only are courses offered by GOA high quality, but the majority are free to member schools - which means they are free of charge for everyone at AISC! Registration is easy, just pick a course, select our school name and off you go! 


As you browse their full course catalogue you will see a broad range of courses, from sprints to series, addressing equity, online learning, competency based learning and various stand alone support sprints from redesigning grade books to setting up process portfolios. 


From the Counselors

Have a wonderful weekend!

Lynn and Dave

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