I hope you had fun celebrating Halloween with your students. Next week is a busy one with India Week events everyday.
This semester, almost 50 HS students have chosen "Service for Small Frys" as their Wellbeing choice during our bi-monthly sessions. They've done different types of service for the elementary school teachers and students: creating Design activity models or non-English videos for Jen Cypra; creating video lessons of Wellbeing concepts for Mr. Jack; leading 4th and 2nd graders in games. These photos show us this week with 2nd graders scavenger hunting and at the end of our 4th grade Kahoot session.
Upcoming Week at a Glance:
India Week - November 2nd-6th
So many of you are involved in helping us celebrate India Week next week; there are lots of exciting events planned. Please make sure to post the daily events for your students. Also, if you want to adjust the screen time for your students on the mela days, feel free to do so. This is the “go to” document for activities, resources, and events.
Here are the slides with the event Zoom links and Mela activities and Zoom links:
You will find the faculty India Week Dance here. Homeroom teachers, please post this on Seesaw Monday morning as a kick off to India Week.
**Plus a Cartoonist on Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. for upper ES students.
India Week Bookfair
In celebration of India Week, from November 2nd-8th, our local partners at Tara Books and Tulika Publishers are offering the AISC community a 20% discount on any purchase! If you are looking for handmade books, unique gifts, local artwork, or beautiful stationery, please take a look at the links below.
Please use coupon code AISC20 at checkout at the below link:
Erma Anderson’s Math PD Session 2 (Tuesday, October 27th)
If you missed Erma’s math session this week or if you attended and wanted to view her session again, here is part 1 and part 2 of Tuesday’s recording. There is one more session this semester. Feel free to join even if you missed the first two sessions.
Morning Meeting Schedule - Specialist Rotation
Specialists will begin a new morning meeting rotation on Monday, November 2nd. You will find the updated schedule here along with the link to the morning meeting times for each class.
ES Student Support Process
When a concern arises regarding a student, please contact the student’s parents to share your concerns and gain any insight about a change in the student’s behavior or academic performance.
Contact your grade level counselor, Linda (EY-G3) or Michele (G4-G5), to hold a Student Discussion Meeting regarding your concerns and interventions you have tried.
Following the Student Discussion Meeting and before referring a student to a Teacher Collaboration Meeting (TCM) for academic or behavior support, please ensure you have implemented at least one specific intervention and gathered data regarding the effectiveness of that intervention. If a student is continuing to not make progress, please fill out the TCM Referral Form.
Attend a Teacher Collaboration Meeting which is held on Mondays from 7:55-8:25 a.m. Once the TCM Referral form has been shared with Linda or Michele then you will receive a calendar invite to the meeting.
*When considering a specific intervention, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Coaches, ES Leadership, LSS, or Counselors, for ideas. Here is a link to specific interventions for different subject areas.
Vision Day (3-5)
Thank you for your commitment to making Vision Day memorable and engaging for our students. Here are a few updates:
October 30: Students will receive project invitations, lists shared with project teams
November 10: Project teams send Vision Day schedules and reminders to students
November 16: Homeroom teachers confirm students are all set (Morning Meeting)
November 18: VISION DAY!
November 19: Students complete reflection and provide feedback (Morning Meeting)
Please reach out to Mary Kelly, Jen, or Jack with any planning needs, questions, and suggestions.
TA Evaluations
Similar to the process that was established last year, there will be two times in which TAs will evaluate their own performance and then meet with their homeroom teacher to discuss their self-evaluation. Homeroom teachers will complete the evaluation in the spring. Here is a link to a document that describes this process in more detail and has a timeline for this school year.
Zoom Reminder
Please use the screen sharing feature only when necessary as students can’t see each other when someone is screen sharing. We know many of you have the student names listed in a particular order during the greeting to make it go faster. Try pasting the names in the chat rather than screen sharing so everyone can see each other for the greeting.
It’s Time for Operation Appreciation!
In lieu of the annual Operation Appreciation parade on campus, we would like to invite students to thank our support staff at AISC as part Operation Appreciation. Please share the Flipgrid link with your class on Monday, November 2 and encourage your students to show their appreciation. If you have any questions please contact Mary Kelly.
Team Operation Appreciation
Coaches Corner
During our Connect, Reflect, and Celebrate sessions this week we reflected how celebrations impact wellbeing. We have uplifted our students through celebrations in many ways this year. You are invited to share your ideas here. How might you celebrate students, a colleague, and yourself in the coming weeks?
We also reflected on how we continue to intentionally work to build positive relationships while teaching, learning, and collaborating online.
Resources to explore:
Creating Moments of Genuine Connection Online, Jennifer Gonzalez, Cult of Pedagogy
How to Maslow before Bloom,, Edutopia. Consider how these strategies can be adapted to virtual learning.
A Little Guide for Teachers: Teacher Wellbeing and Self-care, Bethune and Kell. Just released - eBook available
Have a spooktacular weekend!
Lynn, Dave, and Elliot